Private Coaching for Couples

Rejuvenate, Repair, Rekindle the Magic

Does This Sound Like You?

When you first got together, everything felt perfect. If you are married you were so madly in love that those gloomy divorce rate statistics never even crossed your mind.

You never imagined that your relationship could experience major challenges, and thought that together you could weather any storm.

Yet, now you find yourself in a rut, lacking intimacy, feeling disconnected, bickering so much, and feeling unable to resolve your conflicts, leaving you with a knot in your stomach when you think about it.

You’ve read some self-help books, tried some things on your own, even tried therapy, but your relationship still feels rocky, making it hard to even be at home.

You want to repair your relationship, reignite that spark, but your best efforts seem to produce the same results over and over again.


If you feel like your partner doesn’t listen to you, respect you, or accept you, or if your trust has been shattered too many times, you may be questioning whether to stay together or not.

Now is not the time to run away, keep arguing, shut down, or just let everything fall apart.

Stop waiting for things to change and stop ignoring what’s happening. It is time to learn what you need as an individual and as a couple to revitalize yourself and uncover what the real issues are with your relationship. A relationship coach can help.

The Conscious Soul Mates Coaching System for Couples focuses on:

  • Getting to the core issues within each of you as individuals.
  • Discovering the dynamics of the relationship itself.
  • Raising your consciousness to your highest level of skills and alignment vs. what’s wrong and who’s to blame.

.Here are some results you'll receive through private relationship coaching:

Through private relationship coaching using the powerful proven Conscious Soul Mates System you will:

  • Learn tools you never learned in school about successful, conscious relationships & marriage.
  • Understand the real reasons your relationship hasn’t been working
  • Learn how to clear self-sabotaging, unconscious stories, beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that could have you end up apart for good.
  • Discover how to rebuild honesty & integrity.
  • Develop your own internal process to help elevate you as an individual.
  • Develop a custom relationship success plan that is conscious, compassionate, and effective.
  • Master the essential skills and tools you need to realign and better manage the areas of finances, intimacy, spirituality, communication, career, growth, partner awareness, and more
  • Understand why your challenges are happening for you and how to use them as an opportunity to GROW forward together.

Why now?

Do you remember when you first fell in love?

  • Imagine reigniting your intimacy and passion.
  • Imagine recreating that sacred trust fun, laughter, peace, and harmony.
  • Imagine discovering new ways to move through conflict and pain with more grace & ease.

The years are passing by. It is time to stop sweeping issues under the rug. Unexpected challenges do happen, but stop the bickering, it won’t get you to where you want to go.

Step up, face your fears, and make your partnership top priority.

Next Steps:

If you are ready to chart a different course on your relationship path and steer your partnership in a new direction and grow individually and together- Apply for your Conscious Relationship Discovery Call for Couples. Let’s see how you can rebuild your magical relationship into a stronger one than you had before.

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