The Rick and Susan Love & Marriage Story
Meeting men was old school for me—back when we didn’t have the technology we do today. As a highly sensitive person with keen intuition, I’ve always felt guided by my inner sense. However, I can’t say I “listened” to it much in my early years of dating, relationships and certainly not in my first marriage. Once I started paying attention to my intuition, along with the other work I did, it helped me break the patterns I was in and attract the love of my life.
Creating the extraordinary, conscious, and a marriage with the depth we have today came through learning essential skills, healing our pasts, building a solid foundation together, building trust, and being intentional every single day.
The Story
A few years after my divorce, I went to grad school. For nine years, I had wanted to attend that particular school, but my intuition kept telling me to wait. Then, in the year 2000, my intuition gave me the “green light,” and off to grad school I went.
Early in the program, I met a guy named Rick who quickly became a dear friend. In December of that year, he asked me to do an intuitive reading for him. (Yes, I have done them). He was divorced and wanted to know if and when he would be married again, along with some information about "her" and approximately when he would meet her.
The Reading
As I tuned in, I said to him that she was in our grad school program, she was approximately my age, my height, was very intuitive and creative with a great sense of humor, he would know who it was within a month or two and would be in relationship with her by March of the following year. I felt her name started with an “S” or a “C” sound- like “sssss”. We decided to refer to her as Cindy.
The Irony
Yeah, you’re already getting the picture…but at the time, I had no idea. Intuition can be funny that way.
After some time had passed, I realized that I had feelings for him and I didn’t want him to meet “that Cindy girl” I described in the reading but wouldn’t say anything about how I really felt. There was no indication that he felt anything more than friendship for me, so I didn’t want to rock the friendship boat.
The Surprise
Weeks later, I received a major surprise. Rick sent me an email confessing his deep love and feelings for me. I was stunned, elated, and stunned again. As we discussed the possibility of a relationship and a marriage, I couldn't help but remember the reading where I mentioned he would meet "that Cindy girl" in March. This made me hesitant.
However, as March approached and I dreaded the outcome, Rick asked me to be with him. To my astonishment, I realized that the "Cindy girl" I had described during the reading was actually me. We entered into a relationship, eloped 2 months later, and Rick had indeed found his next wife, just as I had seen in the reading—though it took a while for me to realize that “that Cindy girl” was me.
The Reminder
How’s that for a lesson for this intuitive girl? We know what we need to know when we need to know it. When we are in sync with that inner guidance, we only know what is appropriate to come forward at any given time. Who knows what would have happened if I had “known”, but I followed the intuitive guidance I was given.